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Gaurav Manglik, Co-founder of WestWave Capital - Starting a Company During a Global Pandemic

Inside the episode

Released May 20, 2020

"Absorbing shocks, being agile, and adapting is key to a start-up." - Gaurav Manglik

While it might seem like the worst possible time to be throwing your energy, time, and money into starting a company, what if this were the best possible time to embark on this crazy journey? Gaurav Manglik thinks this might just be your time. And it’s not just about starting a company. If you are starting, what do you need to do? How can you increase your chances of getting funded?

Gaurav was a guest on The Founder Formula recently, and was kind enough to talk with us all about:

• Some of the most common myths about working for a VC
• Why your business plan could be the thing that makes the difference between success and failure
• What it was like having your company purchased by one of the largest enterprise tech firms in the word: Cisco

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